
Hello everyone..….

This is my first blog regarding a series of fitness blog and my all discussion is about fitness, I am not professional person in fitness but still I will like to share as much knowledge as I know regarding fitness. In this blog and upcoming blogs I will try to convey my understanding regarding fitness.

 In today’s Blog I will cover the First Category of my Fitness blog “YOGA”

Yoga is  the Sanskrit word and it is a old discipline from India. When doing yoga the techniques used is breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. Yoga improve health as well as happiness.  Yoga increases your flexibility, strengthens your muscles, centers all of yours thoughts, relaxing you and calms you. In this blog i will give you details of different types of yoga.

Types of Yoga:- There are lots of types of yoga

  1. Hatha Yoga:- This is the most widely practiced type in the United State and is best for beginners. It is start with very slow and smooth movements, and the focus of this yoga is holding the poses and integrating your breathing into the right movement.
  2. Lyengar Yoga:- The poses of this yoga is as similar to the Hatha yoga, but the focus of this yoga is more on body balance, holding your body on the same poses for a long time. In this yoga we have to use blanket on floor.
  3. Bikram Yoga:- This yoga is derived from Hatha yoga but the practiced of this yoga is in room and the temperature of the room is about 105 degree Fahrenheit.

Like i already said there are lots of types yoga which is not possible to discuss here. Overall Yoga is a discipline which can help you in finding peace of mind.

I will write further details regarding yoga and its benefits in upcoming blog.

That’s all for today’s Blog….



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