Power-lifting(Personal Blog 2)

Hello to everyone….

In this blog i will talk about some benefits of Power-lifting.

  • Improved Strength:- As we know that power-lifting involves three exercise like Squat, dead-lift and bench press. I want to tell you that these three exercise helped us differently but the similarity is that is to improved strength in our body. As squat help in making strength of muscles of legs and hips, dead-lift help in strengthens our back and legs and the bench press help in strengthens muscles of our upper body.
  • Fat loss:-  As we know that obesity is faced by most of young in today’s time. So, I want to make clear that power-lifting is a very intense form of exercise that help in burning most of our body calories. As there are so many exercise which help in fat loss then you can say whats make difference to power-lifting, then I make you clear that power-lifting lead a long-term effect on our metabolism.
  • Skeletal Health:- As so many women in the united states are effected by osteoporosis afflicts, power-lifting help in decreasing the numerous risk factors for that diseases by inst increasing strength and bone mass.
  • Athletic :- Power-lifting help in improving many of other activity. In 2004 study published in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine,” a direst correlation between squat strength and sprint speed was shown. So, we can say that if you want to run faster or jump higher then you should do squat because there was a direct correlation between squat strength and vertical leap. Similarly, the strength of our back help on improving many other activities such as martial arts, fighting and wrestling.

So, overall these are the benefits of power-lifting.

Thanks for look my blog.



Once again Hello to everyone…..

This blog of fitness Chanel is going about power-lifting, which is a part of fitness. With the help of power-lifting any one can maintain their good fitness. So, lets talk about power-lifting. How power-lifting play role in fitness.

First of all power-lifting are generally rising among both men and women as well as across all ages.  Power-lifting is a sport which consisting of three main exercise that means squat, dead-lift and last one is bench press whereas weightlifting use snatch and clean and jerk, which all are overhead movement make clearly difference between power-lifting and weight-lifting. In other words, we can say that weight-lifting involves large no of repetitions of the same exercise where as power-lifting involves lifting as much as humanly possible.

In general speaking, in power-lifting competition each contestant have to attempt three set of each lift. On the other hand power-lifting is very dangerous if you doing exercise without proper knowledge of lifting the heavy weight. Pain as well as injuries are the common problem on any athlete or you can say any person who doing power-lifting. In power-lifting the main care about one thing and one thing only about the weight on bar. Whether your aim to compete in the sport or just want to train for strength, a power-lifting style training plan is the perfect way to boost your strength. One another thing when you are power-lifter you have to take care of your diet. At that time allow your body to get used to eating lots of good diet and plenty of protein as well as getting proper rest.

There are lots of benefits of power-lifting which we talk in our next blog….

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”. – Buddha

Online Safety and Privacy

Online safety stands for personal, corporate and national level security in online environment such as on social media etc. from negative interactions that is exploitation and cyber-bullying which may occurs in settings of social networking’s websites, etc.

Online Privacy:-

It refers to the ability the information about yourself sore the internet with controlling who could occurs your personal information on internet. In other words, we can say that it involves the right of personal privacy about personal privacy about personal information strong, re-purposing etc. to third parties which he doesn’t want to display to other on the internet.

Ways I adopt to protect my privacy on internet

  1. Don’t fill out my social media profile information that I doesn’t want to share with others via internet.
  2. I’m so choosy about sharing my social media networking security number with someone and always try to not share anything about privacy regard social networking or social media.
  3. Lock down my hardware: I always lock down my hardware so that when my PC sleep or boots up require a password to start. I preferred that because if my laptop is stolen or lose then by device by protect by putting of my privacy.
  4. Turn on private Browsing: I prefer turn on private browsing so that anyone can’t access to my device to see where are I hanging out online.
  5. I usually use a strong password that other can’t guess and always try to put a unique password carrying all number, alphabets or symbol.
  6. I always try to keep all of my software updated so that if a new security app came in the market, I can able to use that.
  7. I Try to keep my guard up: When I am searching something online. I try to remember which sites I visit and what I share with anybody. I preferred to use comprehensive security software to make sure have backup my data on a regular basis.

Tips for avoiding being a victim:

  • Don’t reseal personal information in an email.
  • Check the security of the website.
  • Pay attention to the website’s
  • If you get an unsure email request then verify it by contacting the company directly.
  • Keep a clean machine.

What to do if you are a victim:

  • Report it to the appropriate people:- if anything wrong found then just report it to the related organization including network administration.
  • Contact your financial institution immediately:- If you don’t get an desire reply and you believe that your accounts and compromised then just contact to financial institution and close the account.
  • Watch for any unauthorized charges to your account.
  • Fill a report with the federal trade commission or the internet crime complaint center.

Bodybuilding (Personal Blog 2)

Once again welcome to everyone to my blog site….

In this 2nd blog of bodybuilding category i am going to discuss about “Diet” for bodybuilding. Keep going to read blog..:)

Diet is the most important part of your life which help to build your muscle or your body. So, it should be pure or unaltered. If you do hard on your body or workout whole the day but don’t take proper diet it is useless. So, diet is most important part of your life.

Egg Whites:

To become successful bodybuilder everyone should include egg whites in the diet. Egg whites contain 60:1 ratio of protein to fat which is purest form of protein. Egg white is a good source of protein as well as vitamins and minerals and contain very few carbohydrates which help in muscle-building.

            Nutrient Values-

Calories 50%            Protein 84%

Carbs 8%                  Fat 0%


If you are serious about bodybuilding, you should know about the benefits of beans and legumes. Beans is a delicious and highly nutritious source of protein and fiber. Protein and fiber are important for regular and normal growth of the body. There are various beans such as kidney beans are good choice as it provides nearly 14 grams of protein and fiber in just 1 cup.

             Nutrient Values-

Calories 29%             Protein 58%

Carbs 57%                 Fat 17%


Lean meats should be included in bodybuilder’s diet such as chicken and turkey which is excellent source of high quality protein and low in fats.

           Nutrient Values-

Calories 72%            Protein 48%

Carbs 0%                  Fat 48%


Fish are good source of protein and healthy fats. Of course, we should stay away from saturated and trans-fat, but our body needs fatty acids such omega-3 to support muscle-building process.

             Nutrients Values-

(Salmon) Calories: 116                  Protein 69%

Carbs 0%                        Fat 27%

(Tuna)    Calories: 116                  Protein 88%

Carbs 0%                        Fat 6%

Lean Red Meat:

It is excellent mass building food sources. It contains protein, zinc and vitamins B. However, red meats should not take on everyday basis because it has higher level of saturated fat.

Whey Protein:

One important supplement to build your muscle is whey protein. Whey protein is type of protein which is present in milk and foods which are made up of milk. It not only helps to build your muscle but also improve your digestion system. So, in your daily diet you should involve whey protein.


As we know 70% of our body made up of water. So, along with food(meat), water is also essential part to build our body. Every bodybuilder is recommended to drink 10 liter of water a day.


If you want to make good muscles, then you should select the right foods and supplements. So, that your dreams become reality but along with right food you also have to do right exercise in right way.

This is all about bodybuilding blog. Hope you like it. Thank You!

Protecting Intellectual Property

Lets first know about intellectual property to make a further discuss about it.

What intellectual property rights means?

As IP is a category of property that include intangible property such as:-

  • Trade marks: used to identify products or services by recognizable sign, design or expression.
  • Patents: It gives right to owner to exclude or present his goods or service not be used, sell, made, import his goods or service for a limited period of time.
  • Design: It is used to protects the usual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian.
  • Plant variety rights: It used for all plant other than alga’s and bacteria.
  • Geographical indications: It is a sign that are used for those products that have a specific geographical origin and have repudiated due to that special origin.
  • Copyright: That stands for giving the right to copy by original creator of the product to someone to reproduce that product.

The law gives people and businesses property rights to the information and intellectual goods to encourage the creation of a large variety of intellectual goods.



The statute of monopolies and the Britisher statue of anne are seen as the origins for patent law and copyright respectively, that give the concept of intellectual property.

Copyright is a legal right that give the right to creator of original work to use the original work to use the original work by others, existing is many countries now.

Copyrights are granted by public law which means that copyrights are granted by some law of a state for specific time.

In, short we can say that copyright come into existence with the insertion of the printing press.

Which type of work are protected by copyright.

Copyright protected these following seven categories(Only original works of “authorship”) :-

  1. Literary works.
  2. Musical works.
  3. Dramatic works.
  4. Pantomimes and choreographic works.
  5. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works.
  6. Motion pictures and other audio usual works.
  7. Sound recordings


What are the exclusive right does the copyright owner done:-

  1. The right to reproduce the copyrighted work
  2. The right to prepare derivative work
  3. The right to distribute copies of the work to the public
  4. The rights to publicity perform
  5. The rights to publicity display the copyrighted
  6. The right to digitally transmit

Copyright Issues:-

  1. Plagiarism
  2. Ownership
  3. Website copyright
  4. Creative commons, freeware and shareware
  5. Length of copyright
  6. Breach of copyright abroad
  7.  Exceptions.


Hello everyone….

This is my first blog related to bodybuilding as a part of fitness. Bodybuilding simply means “building-up” your body and let your muscles to show themselves. This is done by building muscle mass by weight-lifting regime and second important thing is muscles can show themselves clearly. An individual who involve in these activity is known as bodybuilder. Bodybuilding is also professional which lead to earn income to the professional bodybuilder. It is possible, through different competition winnings. It is likely that a particular professional bodybuilder will be sponsored by supplement manufacturers and local companies. Many professional bodybuilders pursue training or open their own gym due to their own fame and knowledge and this lead to make income.

How to become a bodybuilder:

If you want to become bodybuilder you have to show interest in fitness and muscle growth, and these can be started by getting training and eating right food at night time to build your muscles in a targeted and organized way.

     -Firstly, find a good gym:

We can get started building muscle and shape our body at home but without going to professional gym, it is not possible to stay in the tuff competition of bodybuilders and if you want to become a competitive bodybuilder, it is important that you find a good gym in your area.

-Prioritize your goal:

If you want to do anything in your life, first step is to do planning to get started so if you want to be a bodybuilder then do planning and it depend on where you are with your body. It is ongoing process, sit down and meet with other bodybuilders and good trainers and talk about what part of your physique to work on.

  -Learn proper form for each exercise:

If you don’t know the proper form to do the exercise, then it is useless to do and wastage of time. So, do it in proper way and these is possible to consulting a personal trainer for guidance, at least when you’re first starting out.

 -Consult a nutritionist:

Everyone has their own body and their different metabolome, and these require different supplementary nutrition for building muscle. So, it is necessary to meet once with a nutritionist or other health counselor to make a diet plan and it is impossible to give single, generalized diet plan that work for everyone in the same way to build your body. So, everyone requires different diet plan to build your muscles.

 -Prepare for the long haul:

To build your muscles and become a professional bodybuilder is not a one-day work but it will take a long time. Bodybuilder takes long time to see the result what you want to see. So, if you want to be a professional bodybuilder then do the exercise for long time and then see the results.

I will write more details related to bodybuilding in my next blog, so wait for my next blog 😉


Boxing (Personal Blog 2)

Hello everyone, this is my second blog on the topic of Boxing. In this blog i will discuss about the some of benefits of boxing.

All the physical activity are healthier whether it is gym, walking or any thing else and boxing is one of the most physically demanding sports for your lungs, heart and muscles and if you do really hard work you’ll be rewarded with lots of health benefits like a longer life expectancy, and many other benefits.

 Benefits of Boxing

  • Improved total body strength

While doing boxing a lots of activity in boxing such as punching, kicking and jumping etc. are done whinge required a lots of strength and doing these activities on daily basis help to incrase our body strength.

  • Better Hand-Eye Coordination

In normally we don’t think about the importance of hand-eye coordination and its affect the total health but in actually it play a very important role. People who have good hand-eye coordination tend to have faster reflexes and reaction time and lead to better physical coordination as whole.Boxing helps to make better hand-eye coordination. While punching speed bags (target) which is moving helps to improve our hand-eye coordination with practice.

  • Decreased stress

Almost all the physical activity help to decreased stress According to Mayo clinic, physical activity boasts mood, work as a meditation and improves sleep, all theses lead to decreases stress.

  • Make physicaly and mentaly strong

Boxing is physical as well as mental activity. It not only make a person physically strong but also make him/her mentally strong by removing your stress level.

  • Gives you ability to defend yourself

according to me these is the most obvious benefits of boxing.It is an effective from of self-defense.

  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem

When you learn boxing it build a confidence level in yourself which lead to value your ability and you value yourself.

  • Increase muscles

                Boxing lead to build your muscles which make your personality an attractive one and as we know a good personality or good physical health have a good mind and good mind make every work easy.

  • Help to loss weight

Boxing is a great activity to loss weight doing the boxing our body fat decrease and increase muscle which help to loss our weight or we can say that it is a great activity to improve body composition.


Boxing is the most effective and concise way to get a good health and along with this it also have a lots of fun. I personally planning to buy a heavy bag and boxing gloves as soon. If you want to do the same, my advice is first to take some few classes from the trainer which give a good series of exercises and safety skill which are necessary to maintain.


Joining a Community

  1. What is community

In social language community is a group of people working or living together in the same area is called community. People in communities might go to the same college, stores and shop and do the same things. They also help each other and solve problems together. Sometimes communities are so big that’s why people can’t communicate to each other and do not touch to each other but they are also believe in the same things.

2. Why do we create them

  • up to date with the event
  • help to other and get help from other
  • to share our thought and knowledge
  • in communities people enjoying to be part

3. What are the some local example of local communities?

  • Nightclub
  • Sports-club
  • Neighbourhood
  • Temples/Churches
  • Political parties

4. What characterizes a community? (e.g. good things, bad things,…)

  • Good things: In communities you can ask for help
  • Bad things: sometime people take advantage of communities and do wrong with your information

5. What communities do you belong?

  • fitness group
  • fitness goal
  • make me fit

6. How long have you been part of it?

  • from lots of years ago

7. What online communities do you belong to?

  • fitness

8. What differences are there between physical and online communities?


  • In online communities there are less thought
  • We can get to know person from different countries


  • synchronous gathering
  • careful before say
    • Fb

The name of the community is fitness. This group is about our fitness and to to motivated to other.


Everyone in this group talks about their thoughts and idea about fitness and try to put their opinion as best as they can. Everyone haven’t

This is motivational type of group, from this group people who overweight and unfit they can learn lesson that everything is possible. People can share their own opinion as best as they can. This community is about to be healthy and fit. One another thing in this community anyone can ask for help like diet plan, exercise routine and daily schedule.

The main activities involved in this group is to increase knowledge about fitness and talk within a particular topic.

Being a part of this group, I really feel amazing. I am a big fan of jeff seid(fitness freak) ever since I was kid, and I always follow his workout routine. When I am on this community, FitnessI really feel amazing and it sounds so amazing when a group of  people talking about the same thing.

Managing Online Identity

There various way to manage a online identity, but the best way is through social media account and is is best way to interact with your audiences. Social media is way of online communication example of social media is facebook, twitter, google+, wikipedia, linkedin etc.

For successfully managing my account I posted my work on facebook and tweet about every blog I posted.

When we talk about our business or blog siting social media sites are potential growth for our blog site. These sites share data and provide alternatives choices.

Examples of social Media:

  • Facebook: It is a popular free social networking website under which user registered themselves, upload photos and video, send messages and share information.
  • Twitter: It provide service to registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets.
  • Linkedin: It is social networking site designed to share information.
  • Reddit: It is a social news website and promoted by sites members.

There are various way to manage our online identify. We should communicate a promise make strategic and available at any point. Making online identity has become a pillar of business success. A good online identity is achieved by becoming consistency, making balanced strategy. To maintain our brand we can distribute ways to manage our online identity into several methods.

  1. Communicate:
  • Blog site owner should provide right and complete information to audience. He should frequently get wrapped up in industry trends and react to seasonal greetings.
  • Another important thing is to maintain consistency in the frequency of our posts. Matter of the post should be attractive, if is not, it is effortless.

2. Expand our research:

  • For an popularity of online identity blog site owner should expand his research limit. So, that he can capture modern client also.

3. Recalculating and Reviewing our work:

  • Consistently evaluating our efforts and taking notes of feedback is best way to be successful when we are trying to advertise our blog site.

Online identity means to be an advertiser on behalf of the blog post that we create and lie other audience be aware of our existence in respect to our blog site. I believe that if anyone want to be a successful blogger have to reach people through different places of social media. and make them aware of our existence. If we more reach them the more people will know about our content in our blog site and more we can serve as a successful blogger to the audience.

Personal Brand Introduction

Hello to everyone, I’m Vikas an Indian student. Studying at NMIT. I am passionate about fitness and my aim is to increase the quality of life through safe and effective exercise and physical activity. This blog show my experience in fitness. This blog is about how to choose the best exercise and best gym. I’ll share information about various tools available in my gym.city fitness

My intention of writing this blog is very simple. I through that by this everyone can find the right exercise with right tools. Many people have wrong understanding while taking exercise, they thought it also have negative impact if not taken properly.

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I loved gym, since i was a school going boy. I always secretly use my father’s exercise instruments to look smart and fit. This love for gym continued in college life also and then I started watching fitness videos on the videos site who teach me how a particular instrument is used for best result and this is my unique market skill.



Branding me gym is important step of attracting people to sign up for membership.

  1. Know Your buyer personas, first my aim is to know my buyer personas to create a brand that connect me with customers. Buyer personas is profile that identities who are my customers and helps me to understand what lifestyle they live to be known, target a specific group. So that your gym become known as the place to go for that group of people.
  2. I have strong visual identity. It is about recognize your gym. it is important that i create something that will stand out, get people excited and i always communicate with people about fitness.
  3. I am consistent, consistency in branding is important to build brand awareness. I have created a strong visual identity but i am consistently use it in every aspect of my gym.

The target audience for my brand is everyone. Everyone has the freedom to stay healthy. I believe the goal of my brand is to reach those who are not motivated about fitness and who are scared to join a gym.

For my brand I would like to have young student to be mostly benefited from my brand, because when you are young you have lots of energy which can be use in a positive direction and which make you smart.

Finally, I would like to say that this brand isn’t about project, assignment, this blog is about reaching my audience heart and want them to realize anyone can join gym.

“The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy”