Bodybuilding (Personal Blog 2)

Once again welcome to everyone to my blog site….

In this 2nd blog of bodybuilding category i am going to discuss about “Diet” for bodybuilding. Keep going to read blog..:)

Diet is the most important part of your life which help to build your muscle or your body. So, it should be pure or unaltered. If you do hard on your body or workout whole the day but don’t take proper diet it is useless. So, diet is most important part of your life.

Egg Whites:

To become successful bodybuilder everyone should include egg whites in the diet. Egg whites contain 60:1 ratio of protein to fat which is purest form of protein. Egg white is a good source of protein as well as vitamins and minerals and contain very few carbohydrates which help in muscle-building.

            Nutrient Values-

Calories 50%            Protein 84%

Carbs 8%                  Fat 0%


If you are serious about bodybuilding, you should know about the benefits of beans and legumes. Beans is a delicious and highly nutritious source of protein and fiber. Protein and fiber are important for regular and normal growth of the body. There are various beans such as kidney beans are good choice as it provides nearly 14 grams of protein and fiber in just 1 cup.

             Nutrient Values-

Calories 29%             Protein 58%

Carbs 57%                 Fat 17%


Lean meats should be included in bodybuilder’s diet such as chicken and turkey which is excellent source of high quality protein and low in fats.

           Nutrient Values-

Calories 72%            Protein 48%

Carbs 0%                  Fat 48%


Fish are good source of protein and healthy fats. Of course, we should stay away from saturated and trans-fat, but our body needs fatty acids such omega-3 to support muscle-building process.

             Nutrients Values-

(Salmon) Calories: 116                  Protein 69%

Carbs 0%                        Fat 27%

(Tuna)    Calories: 116                  Protein 88%

Carbs 0%                        Fat 6%

Lean Red Meat:

It is excellent mass building food sources. It contains protein, zinc and vitamins B. However, red meats should not take on everyday basis because it has higher level of saturated fat.

Whey Protein:

One important supplement to build your muscle is whey protein. Whey protein is type of protein which is present in milk and foods which are made up of milk. It not only helps to build your muscle but also improve your digestion system. So, in your daily diet you should involve whey protein.


As we know 70% of our body made up of water. So, along with food(meat), water is also essential part to build our body. Every bodybuilder is recommended to drink 10 liter of water a day.


If you want to make good muscles, then you should select the right foods and supplements. So, that your dreams become reality but along with right food you also have to do right exercise in right way.

This is all about bodybuilding blog. Hope you like it. Thank You!


Hello everyone….

This is my first blog related to bodybuilding as a part of fitness. Bodybuilding simply means “building-up” your body and let your muscles to show themselves. This is done by building muscle mass by weight-lifting regime and second important thing is muscles can show themselves clearly. An individual who involve in these activity is known as bodybuilder. Bodybuilding is also professional which lead to earn income to the professional bodybuilder. It is possible, through different competition winnings. It is likely that a particular professional bodybuilder will be sponsored by supplement manufacturers and local companies. Many professional bodybuilders pursue training or open their own gym due to their own fame and knowledge and this lead to make income.

How to become a bodybuilder:

If you want to become bodybuilder you have to show interest in fitness and muscle growth, and these can be started by getting training and eating right food at night time to build your muscles in a targeted and organized way.

     -Firstly, find a good gym:

We can get started building muscle and shape our body at home but without going to professional gym, it is not possible to stay in the tuff competition of bodybuilders and if you want to become a competitive bodybuilder, it is important that you find a good gym in your area.

-Prioritize your goal:

If you want to do anything in your life, first step is to do planning to get started so if you want to be a bodybuilder then do planning and it depend on where you are with your body. It is ongoing process, sit down and meet with other bodybuilders and good trainers and talk about what part of your physique to work on.

  -Learn proper form for each exercise:

If you don’t know the proper form to do the exercise, then it is useless to do and wastage of time. So, do it in proper way and these is possible to consulting a personal trainer for guidance, at least when you’re first starting out.

 -Consult a nutritionist:

Everyone has their own body and their different metabolome, and these require different supplementary nutrition for building muscle. So, it is necessary to meet once with a nutritionist or other health counselor to make a diet plan and it is impossible to give single, generalized diet plan that work for everyone in the same way to build your body. So, everyone requires different diet plan to build your muscles.

 -Prepare for the long haul:

To build your muscles and become a professional bodybuilder is not a one-day work but it will take a long time. Bodybuilder takes long time to see the result what you want to see. So, if you want to be a professional bodybuilder then do the exercise for long time and then see the results.

I will write more details related to bodybuilding in my next blog, so wait for my next blog 😉