My Theme is Fitness


Hello, my beautiful friends!

I am so thankful to have you visiting my page today. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Vikas Mahla, I am 22-year-old. In this blog site my all discussion is on “Fitness”. If anyone have good ideas regarding my topic that I can improve on it, so comment on it. I choose Fitness as my topic for blogging, I love to be fit in my life because according to me only that person who is fit in his/her life is capable of living life to its full extent. Fitness is not only related to physical but also mental fitness, both fitness play very important role in our lives and people who have both the fitness are less prone to medical condition.

Color of Them

We can not imagine the world without color, because colors have an important part of our lives and we can see them in everything. There are lots of color and every color have different meaning and impact on our mind and attitudes. I have selected the light orange color which encourage our attitude to be more energetic and lively. Orange color communicate a message of energy, life, motivation strength and stability.