Online Safety and Privacy

Online safety stands for personal, corporate and national level security in online environment such as on social media etc. from negative interactions that is exploitation and cyber-bullying which may occurs in settings of social networking’s websites, etc.

Online Privacy:-

It refers to the ability the information about yourself sore the internet with controlling who could occurs your personal information on internet. In other words, we can say that it involves the right of personal privacy about personal privacy about personal information strong, re-purposing etc. to third parties which he doesn’t want to display to other on the internet.

Ways I adopt to protect my privacy on internet

  1. Don’t fill out my social media profile information that I doesn’t want to share with others via internet.
  2. I’m so choosy about sharing my social media networking security number with someone and always try to not share anything about privacy regard social networking or social media.
  3. Lock down my hardware: I always lock down my hardware so that when my PC sleep or boots up require a password to start. I preferred that because if my laptop is stolen or lose then by device by protect by putting of my privacy.
  4. Turn on private Browsing: I prefer turn on private browsing so that anyone can’t access to my device to see where are I hanging out online.
  5. I usually use a strong password that other can’t guess and always try to put a unique password carrying all number, alphabets or symbol.
  6. I always try to keep all of my software updated so that if a new security app came in the market, I can able to use that.
  7. I Try to keep my guard up: When I am searching something online. I try to remember which sites I visit and what I share with anybody. I preferred to use comprehensive security software to make sure have backup my data on a regular basis.

Tips for avoiding being a victim:

  • Don’t reseal personal information in an email.
  • Check the security of the website.
  • Pay attention to the website’s
  • If you get an unsure email request then verify it by contacting the company directly.
  • Keep a clean machine.

What to do if you are a victim:

  • Report it to the appropriate people:- if anything wrong found then just report it to the related organization including network administration.
  • Contact your financial institution immediately:- If you don’t get an desire reply and you believe that your accounts and compromised then just contact to financial institution and close the account.
  • Watch for any unauthorized charges to your account.
  • Fill a report with the federal trade commission or the internet crime complaint center.