Protecting Intellectual Property

Lets first know about intellectual property to make a further discuss about it.

What intellectual property rights means?

As IP is a category of property that include intangible property such as:-

  • Trade marks: used to identify products or services by recognizable sign, design or expression.
  • Patents: It gives right to owner to exclude or present his goods or service not be used, sell, made, import his goods or service for a limited period of time.
  • Design: It is used to protects the usual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian.
  • Plant variety rights: It used for all plant other than alga’s and bacteria.
  • Geographical indications: It is a sign that are used for those products that have a specific geographical origin and have repudiated due to that special origin.
  • Copyright: That stands for giving the right to copy by original creator of the product to someone to reproduce that product.

The law gives people and businesses property rights to the information and intellectual goods to encourage the creation of a large variety of intellectual goods.



The statute of monopolies and the Britisher statue of anne are seen as the origins for patent law and copyright respectively, that give the concept of intellectual property.

Copyright is a legal right that give the right to creator of original work to use the original work to use the original work by others, existing is many countries now.

Copyrights are granted by public law which means that copyrights are granted by some law of a state for specific time.

In, short we can say that copyright come into existence with the insertion of the printing press.

Which type of work are protected by copyright.

Copyright protected these following seven categories(Only original works of “authorship”) :-

  1. Literary works.
  2. Musical works.
  3. Dramatic works.
  4. Pantomimes and choreographic works.
  5. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works.
  6. Motion pictures and other audio usual works.
  7. Sound recordings


What are the exclusive right does the copyright owner done:-

  1. The right to reproduce the copyrighted work
  2. The right to prepare derivative work
  3. The right to distribute copies of the work to the public
  4. The rights to publicity perform
  5. The rights to publicity display the copyrighted
  6. The right to digitally transmit

Copyright Issues:-

  1. Plagiarism
  2. Ownership
  3. Website copyright
  4. Creative commons, freeware and shareware
  5. Length of copyright
  6. Breach of copyright abroad
  7.  Exceptions.