
Once again Hello to everyone…..

This blog of fitness Chanel is going about power-lifting, which is a part of fitness. With the help of power-lifting any one can maintain their good fitness. So, lets talk about power-lifting. How power-lifting play role in fitness.

First of all power-lifting are generally rising among both men and women as well as across all ages.  Power-lifting is a sport which consisting of three main exercise that means squat, dead-lift and last one is bench press whereas weightlifting use snatch and clean and jerk, which all are overhead movement make clearly difference between power-lifting and weight-lifting. In other words, we can say that weight-lifting involves large no of repetitions of the same exercise where as power-lifting involves lifting as much as humanly possible.

In general speaking, in power-lifting competition each contestant have to attempt three set of each lift. On the other hand power-lifting is very dangerous if you doing exercise without proper knowledge of lifting the heavy weight. Pain as well as injuries are the common problem on any athlete or you can say any person who doing power-lifting. In power-lifting the main care about one thing and one thing only about the weight on bar. Whether your aim to compete in the sport or just want to train for strength, a power-lifting style training plan is the perfect way to boost your strength. One another thing when you are power-lifter you have to take care of your diet. At that time allow your body to get used to eating lots of good diet and plenty of protein as well as getting proper rest.

There are lots of benefits of power-lifting which we talk in our next blog….

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”. – Buddha


This is my second category of fitness which is boxing. Threw boxing we can get good fitness. In this blog I will give you knowledge about fitness which we can get from boxing. Boxing training is the training method that person use in order to get as much as fit for their physic. Boxing is a sport that only incorporates the use of your arms as well as your legs also play an important role in boxing to get out of harm’s way. It may seem very simple to only use your fists when fighting but it is not as much as simple. For Boxing you need lots of stamina for practice the boxing exercise. You need to face lots of body pain while practicing boxing. For reaching the best physical state of achievement, ability, fitness and effort you have to manage all thigs. Fitness and stamina are merely the foundations for boxing.

There are three different type of stages in system of training for boxing.

  1. Tolerance the mind set, you need to accommodate the time with training. Always push at a slower pace than wishing to achieve. Instead of pushing and extra minute or going for ten more repetitions of the exercise being executed. Try for a half minute or you can five more repetitions to allow tolerance to cope. Overall avoiding complete loss of focus on boxing abilities training and learn to have patients.
  2. Physically, stamina and fitness training, to maintain a good fitness building a high level of continual output of physical energy. Which is not concerning to deliver over many rounds that why your 100% focus on your practice at that time. Utilising all of your energy at the time of training, in the build up to point in a match when boxing. Liken to any foundation of stamina accelerating when required that allowing strategy and technique to take the points.
  3. Technique of boxing, this is the third and most important stage for boxing. Without knowing the techniques of boxing you can’t get achievement. In boxing there are two different type of techniques, the first one is stance and the another one is attacking.

1, Psychological 2,Physical stamina and 3, technique all are perfected through fitness as well as all three are really only one to components of a boxer.


Hello everyone..….

This is my first blog regarding a series of fitness blog and my all discussion is about fitness, I am not professional person in fitness but still I will like to share as much knowledge as I know regarding fitness. In this blog and upcoming blogs I will try to convey my understanding regarding fitness.

 In today’s Blog I will cover the First Category of my Fitness blog “YOGA”

Yoga is  the Sanskrit word and it is a old discipline from India. When doing yoga the techniques used is breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. Yoga improve health as well as happiness.  Yoga increases your flexibility, strengthens your muscles, centers all of yours thoughts, relaxing you and calms you. In this blog i will give you details of different types of yoga.

Types of Yoga:- There are lots of types of yoga

  1. Hatha Yoga:- This is the most widely practiced type in the United State and is best for beginners. It is start with very slow and smooth movements, and the focus of this yoga is holding the poses and integrating your breathing into the right movement.
  2. Lyengar Yoga:- The poses of this yoga is as similar to the Hatha yoga, but the focus of this yoga is more on body balance, holding your body on the same poses for a long time. In this yoga we have to use blanket on floor.
  3. Bikram Yoga:- This yoga is derived from Hatha yoga but the practiced of this yoga is in room and the temperature of the room is about 105 degree Fahrenheit.

Like i already said there are lots of types yoga which is not possible to discuss here. Overall Yoga is a discipline which can help you in finding peace of mind.

I will write further details regarding yoga and its benefits in upcoming blog.

That’s all for today’s Blog….
